Wednesday 25 July 2018


Hey Loves!

I was away from my Blog for a hot minute, Mummy needed a short break from Blogging. I needed some space and I am back. Blogging is serious business, believe it or not.

Today, I am going to share with you How To Stay Motivated on YouTube based on my experience as a YouTuber/Content Creator since 2013. YouTube is an amazing platform and it's a great space to connect with creators of similar interests and there is tons and tons of knowledge just waiting to be consumed.

If you'd like to watch me talk and share my three tips, click the link below to watch the video now;

Yet, having said that.. 2018 is not exactly a great year for various many channels of smaller sizes, like mine. There has also been many shifts and variants on the back end which can be very frustrating and honestly, quite lonely!

In today's post, we will be discussing three tips on How to Stay Motivated on YouTube in 2018 or if you're looking into becoming a content creator. Are you ready? Then, let's jump right in!

1. Know what you want

YouTube, I soon had realized that it's my special happy place since my transition to a new mom. Why? I was already spending a lot of time watching videos of creators who became new moms like myself and the content shared on their channels were helpful and beneficial to me. To be exact, new mom hacks were my favorite! I slowly transitioned to watching makeup tutorials that helped me fake a full night's rest and new mom fashion videos. You catch my drift!

Originally, the purpose of filming myself was to simply brush up on my English proficiency and enhance how I would present myself at interviews. That's it! Hence, the idea of putting myself in front of the camera was not an easy decision. My desired outcome for 2013 was to put up one video and yet I felt like I was missing out something.

I decided to make another video and then another and it went on. Up to date, as I type this.. I have published 377 videos on our TheLeiaV YouTube Channel! That's crazy!

While it was not clear to me, my husband took note of how it excited me to learn about filming and editing. I could spend hours at it! I would eagerly await for my infant to fall asleep and I would be either filming or editing away!

Knowing what you want is crucial, sometimes it's not always clear to you and me. Keep your eyes and mind open to suggestions and hear what others have to say. There sometimes may have 'hidden gold' in there. Love what you do, do what you love.

2. Earn your Right, to Ask

Yes, being an Online Content Creator looks very glamorous! Before brands start reaching out to you, if you're working on your own then you got to source and pitch to clients. Your social media numbers are at times important to clients and you have to pitch accordingly.

Do not expect an immediate yes, be prepared to receive a stark 'no' for an answer and the popular 'radio silence' like you don't exist to brands. Don't be surprised at the frequency of this happening to me, I am not kidding!

In a world of instant gratification, a portfolio with past projects remains relevant when you're approaching a brand. I had mentioned in the video, you can't start a channel yesterday, upload a video today and start approaching brands tomorrow.

It is appealing to brands when creators showcase great amount of interest and passion in their work. This may in turn get them interested to work with you and you take it from there. Remember, great creators too had to start from somewhere and success is not an overnight thing.

Project confidence when approaching brands, share what can be expected out of you and be open to two way communication. Listen to what they require and what they can offer you and assess if you could meet them half way. A professional portfolio can add great value to your brand.

3. Never Stop Learning

In this ever changing landscape, changes are happening almost everyday. New technological improvements in healthcare, how we consume information, food, travel and so much more.

Change is always happening and be prepared to never stop learning. I started out editing my simple videos on my desktop's free editing software, Windows Movie Maker. It was not until BeautyBoundAsia that I had decided to step up on my editing game and learn more about clips that could make my videos more interesting.

Everything, I know today was through plenty of research, study, practice and follow-up. It's not easy when I started out but I can name a few types of transition in movies and tele-series which amazes me. I actually am paying attention.

You got to figure out what fits you, your style, your personality, your budget and how you can meet the newly learned info to meet you half-way.

It may sound like a lot but trust me, it's an amazing journey! You learn how to break out of your comfort zone and that's the best feeling ever, scary but worth it!

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post, do share this with your friends! I shall catch you in my next post soon!



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