Friday 5 February 2021


 If the past year has taught me anything, it has to be the abundance of things that surrounds me. There is so much to be grateful for and so I taught that I will share some of mine.

It's a different kind of blog post/content today. It's official one month into 2021 and I want to be able to have a fresh look for the rest of the year. Do not know what's instore, the least we can do is to embrace what has been around us.

21 Things to be Grateful for in 2021

1. To Live Another Day

In this unforeseen pandemic, to be able to live another day is something to be grateful for!

2. Coins in my Pocket

It doesn't have to be in thousands and millions, a couple of coins does make me richer.

3. Good Health

Often overlooked and neglected, the importance of good health has to take the top spot on our to-do lists.

4. Weekends

Two days away from work to rest and rejuvenate our emotional banks.

5. Pets

They offer only one form of love, unconditional.

6. Making Mistakes

The only way I learn best is to make them, learn and make new mistakes.

7. Having a Home

Something not many of us have while some others long for, dearly.

8. A Bed to Sleep On

A good night's sleep is very important.

9. Time

We had considered to have too little of, sometimes.

10. Love

Love to give and receiving love, is a beautiful thing!

11. Tears

These are beautiful moments captured, sometimes in silence and immense pain.

12. Gift of Sight

To experience this world, we live in full colour!

13. Family

There are many, who long for one.

14. Children

Magic lies in their hands, eyes and laughter

15. Clothes

Without them, we would just be animals

16. Modern Medicine

A vaccine would not have been made possible.

17. Creativity

Our lives would be boring if we all do the one same thing

18. Internet

Keeping us connected, you and me

19. Knowledge

This, a different time altogether. Learning and acquiring knowledge is now more crucial than ever.

20. Electricity

Could not imagine everyday living without it

21. Books

Books, stories and fairy tales spark imagination, curiosity and sometimes hope

There are more pointers to the list, these were the top of my head for now. What are you grateful for in 2021?

Let's look forward to a better wiser year ahead and travel sometime soon maybe?

Stay Safe



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